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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - distrustv.


Связанные словари


1) mistrust, doubt, question, be sceptical of, be circumspect or cautious about, suspect, be suspicious or wary of, discredit, disbelieve, Colloq smell a rat; Colloq be leery of: I distrusted her motives from the very beginning. --n. 2) mistrust, doubt, doubtfulness, uncertainty, misgiving(s) , scepticism, suspicion, disbelief, incredulity, incredulousness, hesitation, caution, wariness, qualm, hesitancy: His claims were greeted with distrust. DISTRUSTFUL adj. distrusting, untrusting, mistrustful, doubting, chary, wary, cautious, suspicious, sceptical, doubtful, dubious, cynical, disbelieving, unbelieving, uneasy, nervous, hesitant, hesitating, unsure, uncertain, Colloq leery: She is distrustful of men who bring her flowers.
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